Quotes about consultant (16 Quotes)

    Perhaps they thought I was on a fact-finding mission, never for one moment thinking that a man of my age and build could be suffering from bulimia nervosa, but that's what the consultant said I had.

    We did not commission a book. The idea was brought to us by an outside consultant. We explored it, provided some background information ... but in the final analysis, decided it wasn't the right thing for us to do.

    Someone needs to take a second look at that study. All we have to do is present a fair argument that the mitigation measures are not adequate. That's why other people who are like-minded have put together a little war chest to retain a consultant.

    For the year after I left government service, I worked as a consultant to the Republican National Committee because the lawyers advised that was the proper way for me to comply with ethics regulations and continue to advise the President.

    What Every Computer Consultant Needs to Know 1) In case of doubt, make it sound convincing. 2) Do not believe in miracles. Rely on them.

    I suppose that I was a kind of consultant for taste. Is it good taste? Or bad taste? I had an attention to detail, to what would tell best the story. Because many people get excited about the work and drift off from the story.

    Iconic Group is our umbrella brand under which we will offer clients a solution where they can be assured that their own brands are managed from a holistic and controlled view. Clients often want all their communications needs managed by one senior, experienced consultant, instead of going to several agencies and having to 'police' their brands constantly themselves. Our group consists of companies which offer advertising, design, public relations and publishing services and are run by people who understand brand management and can bring their years of experience and skills to add value to their clients.

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