Quotes about consumer-driven (15 Quotes)

    As may be expected, we found that CDH (consumer-driven health care) is a dynamic, fast-growing innovation still in its infancy. While early adopters have proven the benefits of the concept, the vast majority of managers have little more than the awareness of the general concepts. We have no doubt that many companies will implement CDH in the coming year, despite the steep learning curve ahead of them.

    Our goal in creating Interpret is to fill a void in this marketplace by building a company that follows consumers' leads in breaking down content silos, and to help media, content and technology companies realize the true value of their brands. The key to success in the digital future is developing a common, consumer-driven language for technology developers, content companies and advertisers and Interpret is structured to fit those needs.

    The right way to reign in healthcare costs is not by applying more government and more controls and making it more like the post office, it's by making it more like a consumer-driven market.

    But I think the president is going to come out with some very ingenious policy initiatives, particularly in consumer-driven health care and energy independence.

    Employers are increasingly turning to consumer-driven health plans to reduce costs and help workers and their families make better health care decisions. Not only do companies protect their bottom lines, they help make employees better health consumers.

    The findings again call into question the whole approach of shifting more costs onto consumers with consumer-driven health care. If you look at a single mom with a kid at twice the poverty level and you look at the required deductible, it's already about 7.5 percent of income and that excludes the cost of the premium and other out-of-pocket costs.

    Smaller business employers have told us they want the same flexibility, savings, integration and consumer-focused approaches of consumer-driven health care that are available to larger businesses.

    Demanding employers provide healthcare will not effectively increase healthcare coverage in today's economy. Instead of mandates on businesses, lawmakers need to look toward consumer-driven solutions that won't result in job loss or reduced income for the nation's low-skilled employees.

    Part of me is worried that we have a consumer-driven mentality that my health care is a commodity and it's up for the best bidder. That's very concerning because that's not the way health care should be delivered.

    These findings provide evidence that high-deductible and consumer-driven plans may undermine the two basic purposes of health insurance to reduce financial barriers to needed care and protect against high out-of-pocket cost burdens for patients.

    Among adults who have the consumer-driven health plans, we are finding lower satisfaction with quality of care, out-of-pocket costs, and a low satisfaction in their plans overall.

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