Quotes about consumer-friendly (10 Quotes)

    We welcome ITV as partners in the project to develop a consumer-friendly, subscription-free satellite proposition. This is great news for viewers. It paves the way to provide subscription-free digital television across the whole country.

    Overall, this is a far more responsible, consumer-friendly energy policy than the one advanced by the Bush administration, ... This bill recognizes that we can't be content to pursue an energy policy based upon the old philosophy of dig, drill and burn -- and begins the process of moving toward more innovative approaches to our energy future.

    This is an important new feature designed to make the HECM program more consumer-friendly. Interest rate fluctuations over the past several years have benefited some reverse mortgage borrowers, but hurt others. This principal limit lock protects borrowers in a rising rate environment, yet lets them benefit if rates are lower at the time of closing.

    Reino and Las Vegas are parking innovators who have taken the industry forward by making parking as consumer-friendly as possible. This deployment is another milestone for the Peppercoin Small Transaction Suite and further demonstrates the potential to improve consumers' experiences by letting them use their preferred payment devices-credit and debit cards, as well as cell phones -- for transactions of all sizes in the physical world.

    The report confirms that Minnesota's approach to liquor regulation is outdated and unfairly benefits liquor wholesalers and retailers at the expense of consumers. Unlike the liquor cartel, the grocery industry thrives because we operate in a competitive environment that focuses primarily on customer needs. This report will provide a strong foundation for adopting a more consumer-friendly approach to alcohol sales in Minnesota, such as Wine With Dinner.

    Today's announcement of lowered fares in our three eastern hubs is another step in combining consumer-friendly pricing with the reach and amenities of an international network.

    I don't think that the name-your-own-price model was a consumer-friendly, easy way to buy products. It was all about squeezing out a little bit of price savings and for that you gave up service, selection and convenience. I don't think a large enough group of customers were willing to do that.

    An overwhelmingly positive response from our customers and a positive revenue impact for the airline has prompted us to continue spreading our consumer-friendly pricing structure across even more of our network. We've made great strides in introducing a low cost pricing structure to many East Coast markets that were not previously served by a low-cost carrier.

    The Democratic senators are taking out a competent Democratic civil-service director because they wanted to focus on the driver's license bill. They've put their political considerations before the fact that she has led an organization that has been consumer-friendly.

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