Quotes about coolers (6 Quotes)

    My role was to contact the celebrities. I knew that these people get so many requests that I really needed to do something that stood out. So I went to Hoffman's Chocolates and had them do a chocolate star. Then I put my letter on top of that. The first round I sent out 25 chocolate stars with letters packed in coolers. I figured everyone loves chocolate and it would get people's attention. Considering how many we sent out, the response has been pretty unbelievable. Courtney Cox sent a handwritten thank-you note. Isn't that incredible.

    I loved doing the show every week, ... This was an important chapter of my life and although I'm disappointed the show was canceled, I look forward to moving beyond the stereotype. Look for me in my new sitcom, 'Two Girls, a Horse and Some Wine Coolers.'

    Consumers have become very educated about the proper way to store wines. People are entertaining at home more, and so residential wine coolers and cellars have become very popular . . . in the last five years.

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