Quotes about corp (16 Quotes)

    Once at the White House I was asked to conduct the Drum and Bugle Corp. The man just handed me the baton and I finished the song. It was great. I got to keep the baton.

    The significant strengths of new Viacom to deliver consistent double-digit, bottom-line growth and the proven cash generation ability of CBS Corp. will underpin their performance and define their attractiveness to investors.

    Here's a company with a great balance sheet driven by its international cable acquisition game plan more than anything else. Liberty has about 15 percent revenue exposure to advertising whereas Viacom, Fox, and News Corp. have about 45 percent exposure.

    If (News Corp. is) not willing to continue, they have the ability to pull out. I'd like to discuss that with News Corp when appropriate. But there must be willingness on the other side, ... Businessmen do not make decisions based on feelings. There is no animosity on my side,

    As you have acknowledged in your letter and public comments, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed in connection with your proposal. Nevertheless, the Special Committee has determined that your proposal meets the applicable threshold under IBP's merger agreement with Rawhide Holdings Corp. and is therefore prepared to enter into discussions with you regarding your proposal.

    At great, great remove sit the head of General Electric, the head of News Corp, the head of Viacom, or the head of this giant international corporation that wants these ratings.

    You'd be surprised how many kids and young people come to the website and send me email that they are actually going into the Marine Corp because of something that I said or did.

    We expect Ford to eventually reach an agreement with the United Auto Workers union similar to that announced by General Motors Corp. that could result in a substantial reduction of Ford's burdensome health care costs in the long term.

    I don't think it's a good idea to take a lot of cash out of your bank and put it under your mattress. Why Because the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. does insure up to 100,000 of your money in the bank -- but it doesn't insure your mattress.

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