Quotes about cost-efficient (16 Quotes)

    Delta will move quickly and decisively to do what is necessary to beat our competitors and meet our financial commitments, and this means we will become a smaller, more cost-efficient airline, with a strengthened network and a stronger balance sheet,

    Starbrand has also provided added features for The L Word first-season DVD -- a fact that David Bowers, vice-president of marketing for program distribution for Showtime Networks, says dovetailed nicely with his own promotional plans for the show. It came out of the blue. At the time when I was making the DVD for season one, we were looking for a cost-efficient, unique way to communicate with the fan base, ... Dedicated fans want to know everything about their favourite characters, and this lets them feel closer to them.

    In business, time is money, and an hour can make or break a deal. By reducing the airport commute up to 90 with a fast, reliable and cost-efficient mode of transport, business travelers are now able to maximize their time at the office.

    Electronic filing of tax payments has proven to be an easy and cost-efficient solution for Rhode Island business tax payers. Online tax payments and filings have been a priority for the Division of Taxation, and we are pleased to be able to offer such a comprehensive suite of over 50 different tax types payable via the Internet and telephone.

    Organizations are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that they are achieving compliance. However, implementing a series of end-point technology solutions to meet each compliance mandate individually is not only difficult to manage, it's a drain on internal resources. Risk Commander is designed to alleviate the burden of managing disparate compliance controls, making compliance reporting easier and more cost-efficient so organizations can focus on what really matters -- their business.

    DMX Music chose Good because our industry leading platform- and device-independent solution enables true device choice and easy IT management. Customers are calling for an alternative to protect their mission-critical business operations and investments, and are concerned about being restricted by a solution with a single point of failure. With our device-agnostic approach, customers are assured the most secure, reliable and cost-efficient technology to deliver mission-critical information to employees outside of the walls of the corporation.

    It's the least cost-efficient dam project we could look at. We've almost fully developed the San Joaquin and take something like 98 percent of its water to the point where it usually does not flow anymore.

    We want to set the right example and send the right message. Even though this money is coming from contributions, we still think it's very important to be cost-efficient and responsible with expenses.

    Our intention is that the final outcome will be a program that represents choice as well as a cost-efficient and -effective approach capable of meeting the needs of prospective enrollees.

    The West Coast service did very well as far as attracting customers. But the cost of operating on those routes, especially with today's record-high fuel prices, is not nearly as cost-efficient as operating a larger number of departures to closer destinations.

    Humanitarian responders need to have flexibility to respond to needs on the ground by the fastest and most cost-efficient means possible, be it in-kind or locally purchased food aid. Having cash contributions available for local or regional purchases could increase the speed and volume of food available to address a crisis and would enable us to feed many more people.

    All of our engineering staff and each of the teams and manufacturers that contributed will now be able see the product of their hard work in competition. Many of the obvious safety and competition benefits have been a topic since the beginning of this project. We think one of the major benefits is yet to be realized as the car owners begin to build a more cost-efficient race car.

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