Quotes about cottages (12 Quotes)

    There being no direct route to Savannah from Charleston, I followed a zigzagging course that took me through the tidal flatlands of the South Carolina low country. As I approached Savannah, the road narrowed to a two-lane blacktop shaded by tall trees. There was an occasional produce stand by the side of the road and a few cottages set into the foliage, but nothing resembling urban sprawl. The voice on the radio informed me that I had entered a zone called the Coastal Empire.

    I wasn't used to living crowded cheek by jowl with numbers of other people, as was customary here. People ate, slept, and frequently copulated, crammed into tiny, stifling cottages, lit and warmed by smoky peat fires. The only thing they didn't do together was bathe - largely because they didn't bathe.

    I see this as one of the flagship preserves of the town. There is strong public and political support to make it the best it can be. Of course, much more money will have to be set aside for future revisions, but we can still make commonsense improvements with the money earmarked by the town this year. Truly, as time goes on and as the beach reaches its potential, the cottages will seem absurd.

    Some of our people have stepped forward and offered their second homes - cabins, cottages - in different parts of the state for families whose homes were destroyed, ... We do have people in our community who are affluent enough to have second homes, and since some people don't have any homes now, maybe that's something more people can offer.

    If the world was a nice little garden with little cottages around and we were killing bunny rabbits on screen, ... you would raise your hand and say 'This is a mistake.'

    No sovereign, no court, no personal loyalty, no aristocracy, no church, no clergy, no army, no diplomatic service, no country gentlemen, no palaces, no castles, nor manors, nor old country-houses, nor parsonages, nor thatched cottages nor ivied ruins no cathedrals, nor abbeys, nor little Norman churches no great Universities nor public schools no Oxford, nor Eton, nor Harrow no literature, no novels, no museums, no pictures, no political society, no sporting class no Epsom nor Ascot Some such list as that might be drawn up of the absent things in American life.

    That's why a lot of folks have cottages up there. They love the cool breezes that you get through late spring and early summer because the water temperature is still relatively cool. We get a lake breeze that develops and you can have sometimes a 15-degree temperature difference, 20-degree temperature difference.

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