Quotes about counter-productive (13 Quotes)

    While Iran is cooperating with the IAEA, while it is not enriching uranium and observing a moratorium, while IAEA inspectors are working in the country, it would be counter-productive to report this question to the UN Security Council,

    The Blue Ribbon Commission of experts has given us the most accurate estimate of the law's price tag to date. In addition to the 364 million spent to implement a counter-productive law, however, since 1993, our nation has lost the talents and expertise of 10,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patriots who want to serve our nation. When we fire Arabic translators, helicopter pilots, combat engineers and troops on the ground simply because they are gay, every American pays the price.

    Mrs. Burton, Kate's mother, has been active in the inter-faith movement in the UK and Europe for many years. The family's abduction and exposure to danger is absolutely unlawful, totally unjustified and counter-productive.

    Our members stress that competition in the world of retail is intense and (they) resolve most problems without burdensome regulation that can be counter-productive. If state regulation becomes too burdensome or punitive, merchants will stop selling them.

    Government has to embrace the concept of incentives in driving the market for the cleanest vehicles. Beating car buyers and commercial vehicle customers with tax penalties, while ignoring incentives, is absolutely counter-productive.

    My biggest thing with him is he would never take any time off. He was sneaking in the gym. We got beat by West Virginia and all of a sudden he's back in the gym that night shooting for two hours. It's actually counter-productive when you wear your body out that much. It's like a marathon runner getting ready to run a marathon by running five marathons the day before he's going to run the marathon.

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