Quotes about countered (15 Quotes)

    There is a little bit of uncertainty about what exactly Mr. Greenspan will say today. Investors want to hear about interest rates. Yes, the economy has shown some signs of suffering recently, but that's countered by other data indicating continued improvement overall. Investors are cautious until they hear more from Greenspan today.

    Chief Justice Rehnquist consistently countered efforts to make the law rather than interpret the law, particularly as a dissenter in Roe v. Wade, ... He demonstrated integrity by adhering to constitutional terms rather than searching for 'penumbras' and concepts outside the parameters of the Bill of Rights. We look to President Bush to nominate a replacement who meets Chief Justice Rehnquist's level of integrity and who demonstrates judicial restraint in controversial areas, including matters related to religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and family values.

    Vice President Dick Cheney won tonight because he countered rhetoric with the facts -- calling into question not just the deficiencies of Kerry's record, but calling into question Kerry and Edwards' credibility as candidates and as U.S. senators,

    We came out a little flat, and they (Carrizozo) were ready to go. There were some back-door cuts and things that we weren't exactly ready for, and they countered our quickness well. But we did a good job of pressuring the ball and spreading them out, and

    We offered a three-year deal with a club option and they countered with a three-year deal without a club option. I don't think we were ever going to be able to bridge the gap. It was a significant gap.

    People weren't expecting good news from Sun, so it's not a surprise, but there's been some enthusiastic tech news recently and you need a string to keep that going. Sun didn't provide that, and in fact they countered that, so people are backing off a little bit.

    We ran into a buzz saw today. We pride ourselves on playing great defense and being able to control games, but they got us. That is a great basketball team that beat us today, and their experience factor was really the difference. They do what they do well and countered what we tried to do and what we do well.

    Once again, the racists and anti-Semites are exploiting a tragedy of great proportion and one that binds the nation to spew their hatred and seek to divide the nation. While they may be small in number, their reach through the Internet is of great concern. Their messages of hate must be countered by the good words of good people.

    Starter Ramon Ortiz and the Reds go to a 215 p.m. arbitration hearing on Friday. The Reds have offered Ortiz, obtained in a Dec. 13 trade for Dustin Moseley , 3.45 million. Ortiz has countered with 4 million. Ortiz said he has left the hearing to his agent and won't take it personally. That's easy to say if you've never had an arbitration hearing, ... But it is not a pleasant process.

    The results also contradict claims that advertising is unrelated to youth drinking amounts that advertising at best causes brand switching, only affects those older than the legal drinking age or is effectively countered by current educational efforts.

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