Quotes about countys (16 Quotes)

    The people we have in charge of the (county's) Road and Bridge Department are doing an outstanding job. But I remember when commissioners used to go out and drive through their county roads, instead of waiting on a disgruntled resident to call in and complain. That hasn't happened in Precinct 2 in many, many years.

    I can't say enough about how thrilled we are with the new partnership being formed by Peoples Bank and the Ski to Sea Race. We look forward to working with Peoples Bank to make Whatcom County's premier event bigger and better than ever.

    We are very happy to have two fine baseball programs like Kennesaw State and Georgia play here in Rome. This game will not only showcase beautiful State Mutual Stadium but Rome and Floyd County's passion for baseball, all while raising money for the United Way.

    The statute is very clear that if a county's results are not to us by 5 p.m. Tuesday we shall ignore that county's vote, and the counties need to be very aware of that, ... Candidates asking for recounts need to be aware of that.

    One thing that did come from their (North County's) defensive strategy was balance as other players were forced to step up. We had contributions by several different people and we really spread the ball around well.

    The analysis of the research showed that what distinguishes Loudoun County from competitors is the county's veritable treasure trove of diverse assets including one of the largest international airports in the world, one of country's most educated workforces, thriving rural businesses, entrepreneurialism, and a beautiful community of rural landscapes, historic towns, and well-planned suburban developments.

    It is the consensus of the committee that the problems with the county's budget will not be solved by mere generation of additional revenue. Unless other meaningful, timely and substantive actions are taken to curtail budget growth, a repetitive crisis of currency and citizen confidence can be anticipated.

    As a blind voter, I'm strongly opposed to the paperless e-voting machines that the NFB is trying to force onto us. I want a voting system that is accessible to as many voters as possible and that also produces an audit trail. The paperless machines are simply the wrong approach, and I support the County's efforts to try to find a better way.

    The county board must get a grip on not only the jail issue with the need of a Huber facility, but find a way to constructively manage the county's business without the present turf wars.

    He's a straight-laced, business suit, wingtip-wearing normal Republican Joe Blow, and the guy basically said that the only thing that calms his nausea from the chemotherapy is marijuana. The mayor thoughtfully listened over a period of time and understands the need and supports the law that was passed by state voters. He does not agree with the county's position.

    From an economic development perspective, given the attention that the automotive industry is giving to this particular fuel choice, it's in Wayne County's, and ultimately the state of Michigan's, interest to be prepared to participate in the E85 rollout.

    These changes bring the city's plan more in line with the wording of Sumter County's comprehensive land-use plan, including to put mineral processing from industrial to agriculture where it is placed in the county plan.

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