Quotes about courier (10 Quotes)

    Sam was the epitome of a community newspaper publisher, ... He was courageous, he was extremely interested in the community and its welfare and success, and his independence contributed greatly to making the Courier what it is today.

    Jim Courier did a great job of showing the rest what is possible. He could only hit forehands, but almost every one could have been a winner. But Jim struggled when others learned to hit the ball just as hard. Many look at Andy (Roddick) as being a similar animal, and it could well be in a few years everybody hits the ball as hard as him.

    The oil fields of Pennsylvania and Kentucky, active for decades, are once again on the radar screens of savvy investors and drillers. The Cincinnati Business Courier reports that a local entrepreneur has seen the partnerships he's selling in Kentucky oil wells go like they're running on high octane. I hate to call it selling, ... because all I have to do is tell people about it and they take it away from me.

    The terrorists that we are up against today do not rely upon cell phones and SAT phones and emails. They rely on couriers. You cannot intercept what a courier is telling somebody.

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