Quotes about craigs (14 Quotes)

    Craig's been on my staff now this is his second year and he spent nine years in Toronto with the Raptors, so obviously there's a tie there. I think the basketball is getting better there. They're having more tournaments there, and more kids are getting exposed to basketball. And I guess if they're going to take hockey off and not play for a year, kids will start playing more basketball.

    If you take a look at longevity, Craig passed that test. Craig's strength as a college coach was to get kids to buy into his vision, and he worked that strength. He got a lot of talented players to come there.

    I had a great time getting fat and now I'm going to have an even greater time losing weight. I had four offers from other companies, but I wanted to go with the ... one that I knew would work--and, let's face it, Jenny Craig's food is hands-down the yummiest.

    It's a tough spot. Obviously, Craig's the second baseman. Really, every spot on the field is spoken for. I'm going to have to wait and see and hopefully get in there as much as possible.

    Craig Mulholland, who has successfully administered an accomplished Rangers in the community scheme, will take control of all additional administrative matters relating to youth football. Formerly trained with the SFA, Craig's administrative experience will be crucial to the organisation of a large youth structure.

    Our special teams kind of broke even last week, ... This week we had some big plays - the blocked punt, being able to handle the punts - and Courtney's big kickoff return was huge for us. These guys are starting to gain confidence. And of course, Craigs punting was huge for field position changes.

    I've seen a lot of veteran guys who are leaders in this league play games just like that. Craig's been through this before. I have every confidence he'll bounce back, or we'll find the right person to do that.

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