Quotes about cram (16 Quotes)

    Here, my dear Lucy, hide these books. Quick, quick Fling ''Peregrine Pickle'' under the toilette --throw ''Roderick Random'' into the closet --put ''The Innocent Adultery'' into ''The Whole Duty of Man'' thrust ''Lord Aimworth'' under the sofa cram ''Ovid'' behind the bolster there --put ''The Man of Feeling'' into your pocket. Now for them.

    We expected to go over there and compete for the gold medal, and that wasn't the case. Sure it's a disappointment. It would be nice for the NHL to realize that you can't just go over there a day before and try to cram in all those games like that.

    My sense is, it's actually kind of an interesting dynamic. Microsoft, for reasons that I don't understand - but I welcome - seems to be trying to cram a proprietary Microsoft-only agenda down the throat of the entire consumer electronics industry, and the entire mobile industry, and the entire media industry.

    The second is there are some communities that we thought originally would take mobile homes that have decided they don't want them. And we're not going to cram mobile homes down the throats of communities in Louisiana and the Gulf - and other parts of the Gulf Coast.

    To an American the whole purpose of living, the one constant confirmation of continued existence, is to cram as much sensual pleasure as possible into one's mouth more or less continually. Gratification, instant and lavish, is a birthright.

    She is continuing her visits with any senators who want to see her. You know, to me, this has been part of this myth that some have propagated about this nominee that somehow she needs to take time off to cram,

    It's going to mean they're going to provide better care. If you've got to ready for a test every day, you're less likely to wait until the last minute to cram for it.

    My suggestion to ambitious young men would be to conserve and develop their physical and mental strength, cram their heads with all the useful knowledge they can, and work, work, worknot simply for their own advancement but to get worthwhile things done.

    To live thus to cram today with eternity and not wait the next day the Christian has learnt and continues to learn (for the Christian is always learning) from the Pattern. How did He manage to live without anxiety for the next day He who from the first instant of His public life, when He stepped forward as a teacher, knew how His life would end, that the next day was His crucifixion knew this while the people exultantly hailed Him as King (ah, bitter knowledge to have at precisely that moment) knew, when they were crying, Hosanna, at His entry into Jerusalem, that they would cry, 'Crucify Him', and that it was to this end that He made His entry. He who bore every day the prodigious weight of this superhuman knowledge how did He manage to live without anxiety for the next day.

    I think we're just trying to make them think way too much. We're trying to cram offensively, defensively, in the neutral zone, all these different things and the guys are just thinking 'Man, I don't want to make a mistake'.

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