Quotes about credentials (16 Quotes)

    We have to stress our conservative credentials and emphasize that we are the natural, national alternative to the Liberals. Clearly the Alliance has shown it can't break out of its Western box. The Alliance is at single-digit support in three quarters of the country.

    It's amazing how fast generations lose sight of other generations. One of the first things the young composers who come to work with me say is that they want to write music people will like, instead of gaining their credentials by being rejected by the audience.

    To use this opportunity to re-establish some of his conservative credentials makes a lot of sense. Whether voters elsewhere are going to be paying a whole lot of attention is another question.

    But you know, really, if you think about it Roger and I and all critics really have one absolute essential part of our credentials and that is that you believe that that is actually what we think.

    Squash has the credentials to become an olympic event and our goal is to see the sport in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. We are working towards this and will keep trying even if our bid is not successful.

    If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams, you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it. I came out to California when I was 21, thinking my New York credentials would take me all the way. I came back home a year later all dejected and a failure.

    He has not yet become an elder statesman, though his foreign policy credentials are considerable, but he is certainly our ancient mariner, forever tugging at our sleeve to let him tell his tale of what really happened.

    Many hedge funds do not have a public relations operation geared toward answering such questions raised by outsiders. Would Mr. Cooperman have taken a call about Mr. Israel's credentials from a prospective investor in the Bayou funds I can't answer that, ... If somebody calls me for a reference check, I will respond factually and appropriately. But certain firms are very cautious about talking about former employees.

    One of the things that became clear, and which was actually rather disturbing, was the fact that there was a view which was being expressed by people whose scientific credentials you can't question.

    It's a very simple case as far as we're concerned. The New York Times is selling photos of NBA game action on their internet site without our permission and in violation of their agreement not to do so which is contained in the media credentials we issue to the Times and other news organizations, ... In the first place, we asked them to stop. They haven't stopped, so we have to ask the court to look into this.

    I was sent there by the Free Congress Committee, headed by Paul Weyrich. Fred Smith and I were sent down as observers, with reporters' credentials, so we could witness the events.

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