Quotes about crested (5 Quotes)

    Last year was the first year that the community 100 percent funded it on its own. So we put some of that away, and would like to eventually start an endowment ... but we're just so happy that we finally crested the hill and that we are well on our way.

    No radiant pearl which crested Fortune wears, No gem that twinkling hangs from Beauty's ears, Not the bright stars which Night's blue arch adorn, Nor rising suns that gild the vernal morn, Shine with such lustre as the tear that flows Down Virtue's manly cheek for others' woes.

    Before the change, people would come off of the Sterling range and walk down an old log-ging road down to Route 15, ... Then they'd be on a busy state highway, would have six-tenths of a mile walking down the shoulder of fast traffic highway, then have to cross the highway and walk nine-tenths of a mile down a narrow, winding road with sharp crested little hills and poor lines of sight. It really was a recipe for disaster. There's a lot of potential for an accident there. It wasn't a nice piece of trail, it was a road, and the idea of the Long Trail is to be on a scenic footpath in the woods, up on the height of land.

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