Quotes about cubans (16 Quotes)

    I think I'm as good as the Russians and the Cubans but I've got my feet on the ground. Now that I've got a medal it is a huge thing for somebody my age. The pressure is off now and I'll be relaxed, calm and cool headed for the next fight.

    Against amateurs, they have an advantage because (the Cubans) play every day. That's their job, their mission. Here in Puerto Rico, a lot of the amateur players have a day job and often practice just twice a week.

    Which I would've done 'cause I volunteered for the draft which meant that I only had to do two years. But when the Cubans had missiles in the Canal and Kennedy made the extension, I was one of the ones who had enough time to be extended.

    Anybody involved with this tournament would love to see the best teams available. We know that the Cubans have set the standard for international baseball and it would be a good opportunity to measure up their team against the best in the world.

    This was the first time to face the Cubans since the Athens Olympics. They have those intimidating hitters but I wasn't afraid of them and I wanted to overpower them with my fastball. That's how I came to this game and that's how I pitched in the first four innings.

    If the Americans and Cubans could put aside some of their political differences and work out some of their programs, I think both the Americans and the Cuban people could benefit greatly from that relationship,

    On the team, there are probably 10 players who work like spies. They see you doing something that is suspicious, and they go tell on you. Players from other teams will talk on the field. I know that, but you can't talk anywhere else. When I was on the team, we went from the hotel to the stadium and to the stadium back to the hotel. People see you talking to people, you will be in trouble. I know some players are going to ask the Cubans to go eat or go get a beer. The Cuban players will be scared. They will run away because of the fear. That's how it is in Cuba.

    Always mindful of their cultural history, Los Lobos jumped at the chance to record there, particularly since San Francisco, like their native Los Angeles, supports a sizeable Chicano (Mexican-American) populace. Well, it's more of a mixed Latino community, ... There's a lot of Mexicans, but there's also people from Latin America - Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Hondurans and so on. There's an area called the Mission District, which is where they all live, that's pretty much the Latin side of town. They've always had a large Latin music scene up there, though it's more like salsa.

    Those differences in style are differences only on the surface. I think, if you go a layer below, that they're very, very similar. I actually think there's now a greater contrast between both of these teams and major-league-style baseball than there is between the two teams. Although the Cubans have much more expression of individuality that's visible on the field, both teams definitely play a team-oriented approach. They play the same kind of small ball. They manufacture runs. You've seen it in this tournament, in all the games they've won.

    I think our policy is very clear when it comes to Cubans coming to the United States. And we expect that policy to be followed in the way it was spelled out, the 'wet foot, dry foot' policy, that is.

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