Quotes about cuddly (10 Quotes)

    Honda has always been known as the cuddly environmentalist car company, and Toyota has kind of stolen that mantle from them. It would make sense that Honda is trying to broaden its hybrid selection.

    I find it difficult to judge myself, but people say that I have become a bit more socially acceptable over the years in terms of my material; which apparently at the beginning - though I never really intended it to be - was man hating and now is just a bit more cuddly.

    Despite their cuddly appearance, rabbits are fragile creatures who require special care. Too often people buy a rabbit thinking you can put them in a cage and they'll be a great pet, which is completely wrong. Baby bunnies require significant time socializing with people every day outside their cage in order to bond with and enjoy being handled by people.

    He will not replace the big green chicken because everyone loves him. The new mascot will be warm and cuddly with one gold tooth. He looks like a Pirate. One will work the one dugout and the other will work the other. Fans will love him.

    There is something really mysterious about lions. They could rip you apart if they wanted to, but at the same time they look so cuddly. Can you imagine what humans look like to animals? They must think we're so weird.

    Keep it down Cuddly old Nationals manager Frank Robinson is at it again. He has banned music, cell phones and card playing in the clubhouse, believing that will help his players focus more on baseball. Robinson won't even let his team play music after they win. They asked, and I refused, ... I said 'No, you haven't done anything yet. Turn it on Oct. 1 or Oct. 3.'

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