Quotes about cuomo (8 Quotes)

    I will bet my bottom dollar that it will bring a significant number of gay and lesbian votes to Cuomo. On the other hand, could Sean, if he ran his campaign smartly, still walk away with a bulk of the lesbian and gay votes He could.

    It's not even in the realm of possibility. This was talked about 20 years ago, when the Republicans were looking for someone to run against Mario Cuomo, and he said no then.

    She is now more than ever a very important, highly visible, very credible leader in the LGBT community. Her endorsement absolutely says to a lot of gay people who might not know much about that race or Andrew Cuomo in particular that, from her point of view, he represents her values, which are generally progressive and certainly gay friendly.

    Our nation's needy families would be better served if Mr. Cuomo spent less time holding press conferences and more time working with Congress to ensure his programs have the maximum impact for those who depend on them,

    I think he should hire somebody like John Dowd or set up a committee. He needs to do that, maybe headed by Mario Cuomo or George Mitchell, somebody of that ilk.

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