Quotes about curators (12 Quotes)

    We took the ideas and invited the curators up to BC, each of them separately, to present their ideas to a group of faculty, ... felt, that at Boston College, it added to so many courses.

    It is always easy to put the blame on the curators if we don't come up to the expectations of those who run and play the game. Good weather and time factor are very crucial all the time.

    I always suggest Curators consider what the reaction would be if the expenses were to be published in the newspaper. With the grips on expenditures, maybe it would be better to skip this one. You decide.

    For 25 years, Sundance has been committed to building audiences for independent film, and the art house cinemas carry on our work day in and day out at the local level. In so many ways, these theaters are some of the unsung heroes of independent film, and we're excited to be collaborating with each of these 14 curators to bring new work and classics in independent film to their local audiences.

    By partnering with a major research university, this new program is able to offer the highest level of expertise and resources to train new professionals in the specialized areas of archaeological and ethnographic conservation. At the Getty Villa, students will benefit from close contact with scholars, curators, conservators and other specialized professionals. They will also have access to one of the finest collections of antiquities and to research resources focused on the ancient world, including a 20,000-volume library.

    They need to be more accountable to the Board of Curators, frankly. I think the athletic department needs to begin to be held accountable for its actions, and I think the Board of Curators needs to be responsible for that accountability.

    When curators at the American Museum of Natural History began planning an exhibition on Darwin three years ago, they didn't anticipate a roiling national debate about evolution and intelligent design. We didn't think the issue would be as white-hot as it is right now, ... It kind of raised the ante for us. My sense was, let's make this show good, because people really want to see it. They need it.

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