Quotes about cutoff (16 Quotes)

    One of my pet peeves obviously is missing the cutoff guy, because that's obviously something we can control. The bottom line is Bruntlett plays hard, he showed up tonight, and he made two fantastic plays.

    Biggio made his mind up. He knew what he wanted to do. The kid made a good throw. You have to give him credit. Most guys will get thrown out if people make good throws. You don't see it that often. They made two good throws actually. He hit the cutoff man, and Weeks took care of the rest of it.

    The things I want to see out of him is baseball experience and work on fundamental instinctive stuff -- running the bases, hitting the cutoff man, knowing when to run. I've heard that when he gets thrown out, he stops running. When you get thrown out, you need to be more daring.

    That's why we're here testing at Richmond. That's the cutoff for the Chase. They want to make it an equal opportunity for everybody when it comes down to the wire whether you're in or out. There are no excuses.

    My curiosity was piqued, so I tried to get as many numbers from as many schools as I could. I don't want to be quoted as a guru or anything, but based on the numbers, if they don't move anybody up the cutoff is somewhere around 1,970 or 1,980 (for Class 5A).

    After the adjustment of the cutoff point, the number of taxpayers will drop by more than a half, approximately. It will live up to our legislative principle to care for the interests of low and medium-income groups.

    We have 16 players who are the No. 1 player in their country. The cutoff to get into (the tournament) was No. 68 (in the ATP rankings). No tournament outside of a Grand Slam has that kind of quality and depth.

    There's a great deal of uncertainty associated with this cutoff low system as to where it will stall, where it will come across. So people need to remain in touch and don't assume the forecast won't change.

    I thought we had a chance to score him and had a good read on the outfielder. I got burned. Manny had a nice throw to the cutoff man and it was a bang, bang play. I don't feel too good about it right now.

    That was a real bad baseball game by our baseball team. Missing cutoff men, missing plays, you can go all over the field. That was real disappointing. You can't just play baseball like that. It isn't taught around here.

    I always played it down the middle myself. I had my own rule. If anything affects the game, if it would be in the paper or people were going to talk about it, I had to mention it. If a player missed the cutoff man or threw to the wrong base, you have to report it. If he made three errors, it's a matter of fact. Nobody that I ever worked for a ballclub or sponsor told me to do this or do that. I never had to contend with that. I feel sorry for the guys who get in that situation. It's not their fault.

    The problem with the former cutoff of 140 is that by the time people were diagnosed with diabetes, about 20 percent already had complications, ... We know that the risk goes up sharply for those complications when the blood sugar gets to be about 126.

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