Quotes about daddies (5 Quotes)

    I met children who lost their daddies and I met a lot of people who survived. This is the first time they've had a chance to clap their hands and shout and dance. This is a great gift to them.

    Instead of just giving us a tax break and putting the money back into the General Fund, we've got to go knock on their door, tell them what our cause is. And the truth is, we don't send them to Harrisburg to be sugar daddies.

    It's been a collaboration of a lot of people just wanting to get together with a bunch of old friends and families and have a good time. That's been our whole goal. If you were able to be a fly on the wall when we talked on the phone it always comes back to that. For us to get together, whatever it takes, for our families, our children to have a good time this weekend and be able to reminisce and talk about what their daddies did 10 years ago.

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