Quotes about dealings (16 Quotes)

    Become simple and live simply, not only within yourself but also in your everyday dealings. Don't make ripples all around you, don't try to be interesting, keep your distance, be honest, fight the desire to be thought fascinating by the outside world.

    Melanie Sloan, CREW's executive director, said, The NIGC is either running a lackluster investigation or illegally withholding documents, or both. Regardless, the American public deserves to know what NIGC's dealings were with these officials, including now-indicted former GSA Chief of Staff David Safavian and former Majority Leader Tom DeLay. ... We will not sit by and allow the Administration to ignore the law and their responsibilities to the public. We will fight to learn the extent of Jack Abramoff's influence in Congress and the Administration.

    Not only does inspiration from the Lord compensate for want of facts it also induces men by self-discipline, to conform in their personal conduct and in their dealings one with another to the highest standards they know. In other words, it gives men the capacity which distinguishes wisdom from knowledge.

    When a company basically admits it was caught and settles in a big, public way, it really changes the landscape in terms of competition. It also puts other companies on notice that the government has the ability to find out about what are supposed to be back-room dealings.

    Our dealings with Venezuela and our contacts with Venezuela are mostly through our embassy. There was a Venezuelan official here a couple of weeks ago, met with Assistant Secretary Shannon and other State Department officials, but there's been no recent contact from Assistant Secretary Shannon to the government or plans for a visit.

    It is. . . axiomatic that we should all think of ourselves as being more sensitive than other people because, when we are insensitive in our dealings with others, we cannot be aware of it at the time conscious insensitivity is a self-contradiction.

    To be honest I live among the English and have always found them to be very honest in their business dealings. They are noble, hard-working and anxious to do the right thing. But joy eludes them, they lack the joy that the Irish have.

    Do not be very upright in your dealings for you would see by going to the forest that straight trees are cut down while crooked ones are left standing.

    From his unapologetic attitude to his secret, backroom dealings, Dick Cheney doesn't realize that Americans expect responsible and effective government that puts the interests of the people first.

    We briefed him on our policy and our dealings and the state of play with North Korea, ... As a result of our discussions with Governor Richardson, I think we both share an interest in seeing North Korea make the right decision with regard to ending its nuclear program and choosing a path of reintegration with the international community.

    To despair over one's sins indicates that sin has become or wants to be internally consistent. It wants nothing to do with the good, does not want to be so weak as to listen occasionally to other talk. No, it insists on listening only to itself, on having dealings only with itself it closes itself up within itself, indeed, locks itself inside one more inclosure, and protects itself against every attack or pursuit by the good by despairing over sin.

    Sam Walton's values are: treat the customer right, take care of your people, be honest in your dealings, pass savings along to the customer, keep things simple, think small, control costs and continuously improve operations.

    Just as European Union diplomacy with Iran is being undermined by George Bush riding rough shod over the non-proliferation treaty in his dealings with India so our diplomacy on the Middle East is being jeopardized by the action of Israel yesterday.

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