Quotes about declassify (7 Quotes)

    Let's declassify that memo I sent on January 25. And let's declassify the national security directive that Dr. Rice's committee approved nine months later, on September 4. And let's see if there's any difference between those two, because there isn't,

    It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.

    Instead of simply releasing the author's historical account, the agency worked to declassify the associated signals intelligence ... and other classified documents used to draw his conclusions.

    I wish ... that the administration would agree to declassify a lot more of the report. Seventy percent -- or whatever the figure is -- is not enough. Probably you could go and declassify 90, 95 percent of it without any harm at all to national security. That would be my considered judgment.

    Management's proposal to declassify the Board demonstrates Starbucks Board of Directors commitment to good corporate governance practices. The Board believes that the annual election of directors is a primary means for shareholders to influence corporate governance policies and hold management accountable for implementing those policies.

    There are some classified documents there that we received from the CIA. Our arrangement with the CIA was that we could by mutual agreement declassify these documents, but we had no authority to unilaterally declassify them.

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