Quotes about delphis (11 Quotes)

    Things like generators, ignition coils and basic brake components do not fall into Delphi's picture because there are so many suppliers competing on price out there it's unlikely you can gain any kind of a competitive advantage.

    We disagree with Delphis approach, but we anticipated that this step might be taken. GM expects Delphi to honor its public commitments to avoid any disruption to GM operations.

    We took this action because we are determined to achieve competitiveness for Delphi's core United States operations, ... We simply cannot afford to continue to be encumbered by high legacy issues and burdensome restrictions under current labor agreements that impair our ability to compete.

    This is Delphi's business and it's their call. We respect that. Delphi is very important to us. We obviously want to be as constructive as we can. That said, we're obviously going to do what's right for GM,

    Cuts will be made from investment, material and manufacturing expenses, according to the vice chairman. Lutz also alluded to further changes in its engineering operations, citing healthcare spending and Delphis bankruptcy as a challenge to maintaining engineering operations in the U.S. If economic conditions are such that it becomes economically unfeasible to produce vehicles inside the United States as opposed to importing them from somewhere else, youd be foolish to keep building, ... We dont make that decision. The overall economic environment makes that decision.

    There's a great deal of concern among auto suppliers about whether they can remain profitable or survive with union contracts. If Delphi's willing to force renegotiation through a bankruptcy filing, I suspect other suppliers would do the same.

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