Quotes about denis (16 Quotes)

    The others I worked for already had medals. Melissa and Denis were so excited to be going and to be a part of this. The goal is to medal, but I think the experience is what they'll really benefit from.

    Once again, Denis and Peter have delivered a brilliant season, ... They continue to create wholly original storylines, which pull off the difficult task of blending riveting drama with raucous comedy. Were extremely proud of this show, which is one of the very best television has to offer.

    When I got on the council four years ago, I joined Denis Kelly in starting a moderate reform movement. Because we Democrats had a 5-0 council majority, we did not feel we needed to always agree 5-0, which is a sense the three of us Democratic candidates share now. The promise of the GOP coalition was to open it up, to invite the two holdovers to work with them, to continue our progress. That came to a grinding halt. There was no conversation or bipartisan involvement, to the point where Denis and I, two elected officials, were shut out of the running of the government. ... They made a lot of promises, and there was a lot of bait-and-switch.

    I used to watch him practice. It was a sort of Jimmy Stewart style. Denis was a very soft-spoken, self-effacing, overly modest person who left many flashier lawyers in his wake as he persuaded judges and juries alike that what he said could be trusted and should carry the day.

    SANDLOTTER, n. A vertebrate mammal holding the political views of Denis Kearney, a notorious demagogue of San Francisco, whose audiences gathered in the open spaces (sandlots) of the town. True to the traditions of his species, this leader of the proletariat was finally bought off by his law-and-order enemies, living prosperously silent and dying impenitently rich. But before his treason he imposed upon California a constitution that was a confection of sin in a diction of solecisms. The similarity between the words sandlotter and sansculotte is problematically significant, but indubitably suggestive.

    It was a sad blow to her when Denis passed away that left her rather more lonely. She never really had a lot of friends. I suppose that is true of many prime ministers. They strive so hard to reach the top, they don't have time to pick up a lot of good friends along the way.

    When we traded for Denis, we obviously liked him and wanted him on our club. We knew his contract was up at the end of this year and he was going to be unrestricted so we pursued him and we were able to come to a deal.

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