Quotes about deposition (11 Quotes)

    I thought they were exactly as direct as they could be given the fact that they're ... a legal deposition, and any lawyer will tell any client to be very careful in his answers under oath, ... I think it reads as any statement under oath would.

    It is fairly predictable that the non-settling states would distort information gathered in the deposition process in their attempt to undermine the settlement reached by Microsoft, the Department of Justice and a bipartisan group of states.

    The president's refusal to admit that he lied under oath perpetuates and compounds the untruths he formulated in the Paula Jones deposition and continued during his grand jury testimony,

    In an e-mail sent Friday to various concerned parties, ... and therefore have not read, agreed, or disagreed, to its contents. No one else, therefore, has received or read my signed sworn deposition.

    It's not a vendetta, ... You've got to look at Letitia. She left, and she didn't say anything. ... She's not making these accusations out in the open. She's making them in a sworn deposition. That's a little different than shooting off your mouth.

    We believe we have presented strong evidence through witness deposition, testimony and documents to support the government's case that Visa and MasterCard engaged in conduct that stifled competition and harmed consumers, ... The litigation team led by Melvin Schwarz did an outstanding job.

    I can just tell you I have done everything I could do to clarify the situation and I have a very clear memory of the meeting and I told the truth, ... I certainly stand by the deposition.

    As bright and brilliant and as good a lawyer as Judge Roberts was, I asked him - he'd never taken a deposition, he'd never picked a jury, never tried a case, ... He never tried a case. She has. We need people like that who have real-life experiences.

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