Quotes about destabilize (15 Quotes)

    We have well-known channels of communication with Iran, and we have made clear to Iran that we oppose the outside interference in Iraq's road to democracy.... Infiltration of agents to destabilize the Shiite population would clearly fall into that category.

    If the United States were to cut and run from Iraq, we would send a message of weakness that would embolden our terrorist enemies across the globe. A failed Iraq would destabilize the entire region and undermine U.S. national security for decades to come.

    It is absolutely essential that we win it. We cannot tuck tail and run (from Iraq). We have to prevail. We must win. If we lose, that will destabilize the Middle East,

    This health crisis has repercussions that are reverberating far beyond the sick rooms and the hospitals where its victims lie dying. It threatens to destabilize entire societies.

    As I recall, three years ago these guys the music labels were wandering around with their hands out looking for someone to save them. It'd be rather silly to try to destabilize Steve Jobs, because iTunes is one of the few bright spots in the industry right now. He's got something that's working.

    Without action, we are going to continue to allow Iran to be a safe harbor for terrorists, see its economy further deteriorate, and see the Middle East further destabilize.

    No doubt it (the car bomb), like the murder of Billy Wright in the Maze prison, is intended to destabilize the situation by provoking a reaction ... I hope people will not allow themselves, as they have been, to be provoked into reacting,

    The Northern Bank robbery and the murder of Robert McCartney demonstrate that the IRA does not require crates of Kalashnikov rifles or surface-to-air missiles to destabilize and derail the peace process. It just needs a knife, ... Secret History of the IRA.

    A policy of simultaneously getting our allies to negotiate with the Iranians for major Iranian concessions while we at the same time condemn them internationally and allocate funds to destabilize them politically is not a policy that will be successful.

    If terrorists gain access to nuclear, chemical and biological weapons they can destroy lives, destabilize economies and change history, ... We have an obligation to future generations to do everything we can to keep these dangerous weapons out of the world's most dangerous hands.

    There's a huge conviction in the Wall Street community that this will be a successful, surgical, short-lived military incursion. That it will not cause any collateral damage to oil fields, that it will not destabilize Middle Eastern governments and that it will not lead to acts of terrorism in the United States.

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