Quotes about destabilizing (16 Quotes)

    The main aim is to prevent the events in Afghanistan from destabilizing the situation in neighboring countries, ... What is happening in Afghanistan goes beyond the boundaries of this country and has regional significance.

    The evidence is now undeniable that the IMF has played a destabilizing role in world financial affairs. We must reject the president's no-strings-attached 18 billion request and instead adopt IMF reforms,

    Iran, as its record demonstrates, has a long history of trying to develop weapons of mass destruction, supporting terror. We view with concern any suggestion that Iran would seek to contribute to very destabilizing and unhelpful international behavior.

    Syria, more and more, is being recognized as a destabilizing element in the region. It's not just about Iraq it's about Iraq, it's about Lebanon, it's about the Palestinian Authority. Because there's a connection between Syria and terrorism and murder and mayhem in each of these three different areas.

    First of all, the agreement has not threatened the security and stability of the core operations of the Internet. For users, nothing is going to change from the present situation. This is very good because untried models, which had been discussed, could have been destabilizing.

    A 30 percent appreciation of the yuan over the next year could be a destabilizing blow to their economy. That could lead to political upheaval. I don't know if at the end of the day you want that. And whether it's Wal-Mart or old line U. S. manufacturers or Silicon Valley, there are a lot of U. S. businesses that depend on low-priced Chinese inputs.

    The United States and our allies and the Arab neighbors of Saddam ... must recognize that as long as Saddam Hussein remains in power he is a destabilizing factor for the entire region. He's a very dangerous man,

    We should enforce the article in our constitution that Iraq should not be a transit point or base for destabilizing neighbors, ... We should deal with these issues humanely and fairly, but firmly.

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