Quotes about dilatory (4 Quotes)

    Lose this day loitering, twill be the same story Tomorrow, and the rest more dilatory Thus, indecision brings its own delays And days are lost lamenting over days, Are you in earnest Seize this very moment What you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Courage has genius, power and magic in it Only engage, and then the mind grows heated. Begin it and the work will be completed.

    Some people are very earnest after the things of God, and he who seeks finds, and the more he seeks in the right direction the more he finds. He that is dilatory in searching after the things of God, obtains but little he that is diligent obtains much. All may receive it, but they must obtain it in the way that God has appointed, all receiving their measure according to their diligence and desire but the spirit is the same.

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