Quotes about disbelieved (15 Quotes)

    Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them that is the great achievement. And the defaulters from among the dwellers of the desert came that permission may be given to them and they sat (at home) who lied to Allah and His Apostle a painful chastisement shall afflict those of them who disbelieved.

    Then did I punish those who disbelieved, so how was the manifestation of My disapproval Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the cloud, then We bring forth therewith fruits of various colors and in the mountains are streaks, white and red, of various hues and (others) intensely black And of men and beasts and cattle are various species of it likewise those of His servants only who are possessed of knowledge fear Allah surely Allah is Mighty, Forgiving.

    On the day when (some) faces shall turn white and (some) faces shall turn black then as to those whose faces turn black Did you disbelieve after your believing Taste therefore the chastisement because you disbelieved.

    And when those who disbelieved devised plans against you that they might confine you or slay you or drive you away and they devised plans and Allah too had arranged a plan and Allah is the best of planners.

    And indeed He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear Allah's communications disbelieved in and mocked at do not sit with them until they enter into some other discourse surely then you would be like them surely Allah will gather together the hypocrites and the unbelievers all in hell.

    And if We make him taste mercy from Us after distress that has touched him, he would most certainly say This is of me, and I do not think the hour will come to pass, and if I am sent back to my Lord, I shall have with Him sure good but We will most certainly inform those who disbelieved of what they did, and We will most certainly make them taste of hard chastisement.

    How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their believing and (after) they had borne witness that the Apostle was true and clear arguments had come to them and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

    And when there came to them a Book from Allah verifying that which they have, and aforetime they used to pray for victory against those who disbelieve, but when there came to them (Prophet) that which they did not recognize, they disbelieved in him so Allah's curse is on the unbelievers.

    If you will not aid him, Allah certainly aided him when those who disbelieved expelled him, he being the second of the two, when they were both in the cave, when he said to his companion Grieve not, surely Allah is with us. So Allah sent down His tranquillity upon him and strengthened him with hosts which you did not see, and made lowest the word of those who disbelieved and the word of Allah, that is the highest and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

    And the measuring out on that day will be just then as for him whose measure (of good deeds) is heavy, those are they who shall be successful And as for him whose measure (of good deeds) is light those are they who have made their souls suffer loss because they disbelieved in Our communications.

    He it is Who caused those who disbelieved of the followers of the Book to go forth from their homes at the first banishment you did not think that they would go forth, while they were certain that their fortresses would defend them against Allah but Allah came to them whence they did not expect, and cast terror into their hearts they demolished their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes And had it not been that Allah had decreed for them the exile, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and m the hereafter they shall have chastisement of the fire.

    Those who disbelieved from among the followers of the Book and the polytheists could not have separated (from the faithful) until there had come to them the clear evidence An apostle from Allah, reciting pure pages, Wherein are all the right ordinances.

    They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

    Has there not come to you the story of those who disbelieved before, then tasted the evil result of their conduct, and they had a painful punishment That is because there came to them their apostles with clear arguments, but they said Shall mortals guide us So they disbelieved and turned back, and Allah does not stand in need (of anything), and Allah is Self-sufficient, Praised.

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