Quotes about discerning (16 Quotes)

    Choosing Raymond for their debut show was like a Broadway production opening in the Catskills it was a chance to try things out on an audience perceived as not very discerning or sophisticated.

    I think the head and the heart should be united in the strongest writing. You shouldn't lose your ability to be discerning. Good journalism should have emotional content ... Of course, you should try to present every side, and present with real empathy.

    May I make two citations from the words of a discerning editorial writer, not one of my faith, but one of much faith 'If we neglect the divine ... and give ourselves over wholly to the human,' he said, 'we may certainly count upon nothing but the triumph of pessimism.... True optimism must rest upon a calm, unshakable faith in eternal life and in the unlimited goodness of him who gives it.'

    When on the brink of complete discouragement, success is discerning that ... the line between failure and success is so fine that often a single extra effort is all that is needed to bring victory out of defeat.

    When we have enough confidence in the discerning power of the Spirit, we stop worrying so much about forms and are concerned more to open up what is really deep within us, things that we cannot even find words or sounds for. Then the Spirit translates and transmits our strivings. We can take our strivings, even those we cannot express, and know that as we silently, prayerfully direct them toward the Father and the Son, the Spirit will translate them perfectly. In turn, the Spirit can communicate the Lord's response as can no other power. A great confidence and a great freedom can come when we trust the Spirit for that.

    A habitual disuse of physical forces totally destroys the moral; and men lose at once the power of protecting themselves, and of discerning the cause of their oppression.

    Paul Cezanne never knew that he was later to be considered 'the father of modern painting.' Because of his great love for his work, he never thought of recognition. He struggled for thirty-five years, living in oblivion at Aix, giving away masterpieces to indifferent neighbors. And then one day a discerning Paris dealer happened upon his canvases and, gathering several of them, presented the Cezanne exhibit. The great of the art world were stunned here, indeed, was a master And Cezanne himself was no less astonished. Arriving at the gallery on the arm of his son, he gazed wonderingly at his paintings, and tears came to his eyes. 'Look,' he whispered, 'theyve framed them'

    Basically the children who watch it just see the little characters they love, and so they're not discerning about whether it looks great or it's a great story or anything.

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