Quotes about disintegrated (12 Quotes)

    A piece of wall can be visually disintegrated from the whole into a separate triangle by plunging a diagonal of light from edge to edge on the wall; that is, side to floor, for instance.

    This is what is sad when one contemplates human life, that so many live out their lives in quiet lostness... they live, as it were, away from themselves and vanish like shadows. Their immortal souls are blown away, and they are not disquieted by the question of its immortality, because they are already disintegrated before they die.

    The Iraqi security forces have disintegrated on two previous occasions, in early 2004 and late 2004. They will probably be a work in progress for some time to come.

    From the crude cry which we have so often heard during the war years 'If there is a God, why doesn't He stop Hitler,' to the unspoken questioning in many a Christian heart when a devoted servant of Christ dies from accident or disease at what seems to us a most inopportune moment, there is this universal longing for God to intervene, to show His hand, to vindicate His purpose. I do not pretend to understand the ways of God any more than the next man but it is surely more fitting as well as more sensible for us to study what God does do and what He does not do as He works in and through the complex fabric of this disintegrated world, than to postulate what we think God ought to do and then feel demoralized and bitterly disappointed because He fails to fulfill what we expect of Him.

    It's somewhere between irrelevant and counterproductive. Since the Iraqi army disintegrated, the weapon of choice has become a sniper. That's the ultimate in precision firepower.

    They came in and cut openings in the court to put in tile as an afterthought, but all that did was make more cracks. Eventually the rock underneath disintegrated. That left a lot of ups and downs on the court.

    For example, some boulders seem to have just disintegrated on the surface. We've also seen that some of the fine surface material moves downhill, filling low areas and creating flat surfaces in craters, even with Eros' low gravity. These are big puzzles and we need to get a better look.

    It was a scary situation. I don't know why it (house) didn't explode with the car on top of the gas meter. The meter on the house was disintegrated.

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