Quotes about disqualify (12 Quotes)

    We're going to have to see Bob Kennedy's 4-H card before we can let him enter this. I think he's let his membership expire. And another thing - he had a secretary from the office carry that tree in here. He didn't carry it in himself, so how do we know it's his And even if those two things don't disqualify him, our 'ugly' rule would knock him out of the competition, anyway.

    This history alone might cause concern, but not necessarily disqualify Padilla. I personally don't know anyone who has not been in counseling, ... Plus, taking care of other people's children can be very stressful.

    Law schools have been producing high-ranking female graduates for over a decade. For example, Maureen Mahoney partner at Latham Watkins and a former deputy solicitor general is one of the most excellent Supreme Court advocates. The mere fact she is not sitting on the District of Columbia Circuit ought not to disqualify her.

    Not gonna happen. It would be physically impossible to happen between now and Sunday and, beyond that, we're not going to disqualify films because some people don't like the content.

    Of course membership in or participation in Federalist Society events doesn't disqualify someone from office but it can help people understand the judicial philosophy of the nominee, ... The Federalist Society likes to pretend it's just a debating club, but for last 20 years it has been at the forefront of the efforts to push a right-wing counterrevolution in the courts and undo decades worth of precedent.

    I honestly don't believe a respected book like the Guinness Book of World Records has a category for pornography. If it does, however, I am SURE that having no nudity on my Web site would automatically disqualify me from competing with girls or Web sites of this nature.

    I believe in people. I feel, love, need and respect people above all else, including natural scenery, organized piety and nationalistic superstructures. One human figure on the slope of a mountain can make the mountain disappear for me, one person fighting for truth can disqualify for me the entire system which had dispensed it.

    Are we now going to set a policy that says if God in his sovereignty gives someone a prayer language, we are now going to disqualify them My concern is, who's next

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