Quotes about dissemination (16 Quotes)

    Our panel of editors and columnists walked the show floor in search of innovative and ground-breaking new products. The products we selected made the cut-they demonstrated their ability to help advance the acquisition and dissemination of entertainment media in each category reviewed.

    Mr. Brewer has clearly calculated the timing of the dissemination of his campaign literature to deprive me of the opportunity to make a measured and meaningful response to the voters.

    The rapid dissemination of technology and information offers entirely new ways of production, but it can also bring the spectre of more states developing weapons of mass destruction.

    George Bush doesn't actually have to be a penis head for some portion of voters to believe absolutely without hesitation that he is a penis head. That's the beauty of controlling all major sources of news dissemination in America. It ensures that liberals will never have to learn how to argue beyond the level of a 6-year-old.

    As the WJP Medical Foundation is the recognized leader in the dissemination of the latest and most trusted healthcare information in China, it follows that they would become a leading source of the latest diagnostics and therapeutics. WJP wants to further improve the healthcare environment in China by ensuring that the leading facilities in China have access to these new emerging world-class products.

    Going forward, we plan to develop a countrywide mechanism with the Indian department of science and technology for spatial data creation, collection and dissemination that can be used for multiple applications such as disaster management.

    I cannot imagine any other country in the world where the opposition would seek, and the chief executive would allow, the dissemination of his most private and personal conversations with his staff, which, to be honest, do not exactly confer sainthood on anyone concerned.

    The dissemination of political information is changing rapidly. More people are relying on Internet-based information to shape their voting behavior.

    The selection of MediLab came after an extensive evaluation process. The laboratory in Zambia presented many challenges such as rapidly expanding services and capacity, the need to coordinate laboratory services for 16 and soon to be 24 clinics in the Lusaka district alone, the need to automate recording and dissemination of results and the need for a robust, expandable, user friendly and technically supported LIMS system, ... The technology and international experience of MediSolution made MediLab an obvious choice.

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