Quotes about diversifying (16 Quotes)

    These record enrollment numbers reflect success in diversifying our sports programming and offering new services, ... like splitting third- and fourth-grade football, adding a second-grade tackle league and introducing fall baseball for third- through sixth-graders. We are gratified that our parents are responding so positively to our efforts to meet their requests for new programs.

    Even after all of the sales that have taken place, (CEO) Bob Toll still owns about 1.2 billion, plus or minus, in company stock and options. Any investment adviser would tell Bob Toll that he should be diversifying to an even greater extent than he is.

    This quarter's results reflect strong broad-based gains across all three of our growth platforms -- domestic banking, Scotia Capital and international banking -- continuing the success of our strategy of diversifying geographically across business lines.

    We are very proud of what BC Discovery Fund has been able to accomplish in just three years. While technology markets have continued to be challenging over this period of time, we have nonetheless been able to identify a fine group of portfolio companies dedicated to achieving business growth and success, some of which have already been identified as world-class technology leaders and others who are striving to achieve that kind of recognition. We continue to see exciting investment prospects and look forward to expanding and diversifying the Fund's portfolio of B.C.-based technology companies.

    All these defense firms have already, since the cold war, been diversifying. The public expectations for security are so high now that even avenues that may not have been pursued before have to be investigated.

    The Mets as a young and competitive club, and as a brand, are on the rise -- with a new network partner and stadium on deck, ... Joining the team at this juncture is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a role in diversifying and growing the connection of the Mets to current fans, new fans and partners.

    We've found that diversifying geographically offers a number of advantages. It allows us to keep the business running 247 year round, provides redundancy for contingency planning and multiple back-up systems.

    Enron is a good story. It's in a lot of different businesses areas they are in the broadband business, for instance. They're really diversifying their asset base. And obviously, within the energy sector in general, earnings look very strong this year this should be a solid play in that area. I don't have a target price, but it's a long-term hold, a core type of investment as well.

    There's going to be fantastic opportunities for people who heeded the warnings about diversifying their skill sets and understanding the business. Those folks will put themselves in a great situation. But those folks focused on a specific technology run the risk of finding themselves in a tighter market and tighter circumstances.

    Competition is set to intensify. For investors, it's encouraging to see more products, which mean more channels for diversifying investments. But regulators must work out rules to prevent risks.

    This is all about diversifying portfolio risks and creating new liquidity in assets that have a low or negative correlation to conventional assets. While inevitably investment is traceable to physical supply and demand for the (metals), it is also about the supply and demand of financial products. It is an additional demand that analysts have to take into account in the pricing levels.

    I am pleased with our results this quarter, which reflect that we are executing on our strategy to move deeper into our existing handgun business while diversifying our company by moving into new markets with new and existing products.

    European debt purchasing and receivables management market leaders will generate strong interest in 2006 due to the expected growth potential of those markets over the next several years. In the U.S., small and mid-sized agencies that are specialized in fast-growing niche markets, such as the government, healthcare and commercial industries, will also be considered attractive acquisition targets by larger players that are in need of diversifying their service offerings and market focus.

    At Choice Hotels we're committed to expanding and diversifying our franchisee base. Truly successful companies continuously find ways to grow and evolve and we're doing just that by educating minority entrepreneurs about hotel franchising and the power of the Choice Hotels system.

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