Quotes about docs (7 Quotes)

    They can ask all their questions with the doctors in there. We don't want any confusion. Shut the door and let the players talk among themselves, just them and the docs.

    The Dead-Beat He dropped, more sullenly than wearily, Lay stupid like a cod, heavy like meat, And none of us could kick him to his feet Just blinked at my revolver, blearily Didn't appear to know a war was on, Or see the blasted trench at which he stared. 'I'll do 'em in,' he whined, 'if this hand's spared, I'll murder them, I will.' A low voice said, 'It's Blighty, p'raps, he sees his pluck's all gone, Dreaming of all the valiant, that aren't dead Bold uncles, smiling ministerially Maybe his brave young wife, getting her fun In some new home, improved materially. It's not these stiffs have crazed him nor the Hun.' We sent him down at last, out of the way. Unwounded - stout lad, too, before that strafe. Malingering Stretcher-bearers winked, 'Not half' Next day I heard the Doc.'s well-whiskied laugh 'That scum you sent last night soon died. Hooray'

    From a making-it-work perspective, having a new extension for macros is a good idea, said network security expert Ed Moyle. It allows virus-checking software in an e-mail to filter on that extension and to search files coming in with that extension more carefully, or to exclude them altogether on a content filtering gateway while allowing the majority of the office docs to pass through without hindrance, ... My only concern is making a smooth transition to the new format.

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