Quotes about doj (16 Quotes)

    They clearly haven't done enough. Whatever they have done hasn't been effective. Only after they got that letter from DOJ did they begin their most recent program to reimburse local clerks.

    The standoff stems from an FBI e-mail revealed during recent litigation over detainee-abuse allegations in which the author writes In my weekly meetings with DOJ we often discussed Defense Department techniques and how they were not effective or producing intel that was reliable, ... all attended meetings with FBI.

    It's clear that DOJ doesn't like the deal, or it would have been approved by now. But the fact that it's up to Justice and only Justice does mean its easier for United to effect a fix here, to agree to the asset disposition it needs to get approval.

    We have had some discussions with staff at the Justice Department regarding eBay and the online trading business generally. We believe the contact with DOJ may have been prompted by auction listing aggregators, such as Bidder's Edge...our dispute with Bidder's Edge fundamentally is a commercial one that concerns eBay's right to prevent unauthorized trespassing into its computer system, can use eBay content in a manner which confuses and misleads eBay users.

    There are people who feel like there is a large degree of risk that the DOJ is going to seek to block that deal. The companies overlap in a bunch of product categories and a combined company would have 70 to 80 market share in some markets.

    The main concern we have in the civil rights community isn't necessarily that that DOJ brought this case. It's that the department is not bringing meritorious cases on behalf of African-American and Native American voters.

    We've said all along that federal law requires provisional ballots and the statute was crystal clear on that. This certainly calls into question whether the DOJ is gong to pre-approve the secretary of state's voter manual.

    Microsoft is working hard to resolve the concerns raised today by the DOJ. In our filing Jan. 17, we detailed the efforts we've made to increase the speed of our responses to technical documentation issues found by the Technical Committee.

    They're already implementing some of the conduct remedies, and my guess is that they are prepared to negotiate about almost all of the rest, ... If you're not talking about a breakup of the company, it's very likely this case will settle if the states agree with the position that the DOJ is taking.

    Microsoft typically does not comment on specific government inquiries. That said, as you may have heard from the DOJ, they did contact us in this case. We take the privacy of our customers very seriously. We did comply with their request for data in this case in a way that ensured we also protected the privacy of our customers.

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