Quotes about double-checking (8 Quotes)

    We are double-checking the situation regarding COBRA benefits. Some authorities say even if they discontinue business, they have to maintain group health insurance.

    As far as I'm concerned, he's ready. Now we're just double-checking and triple-checking. But this is a weird injury. I'm always going to be a little worried.

    There is a lot of double-checking going on to make sure that all our players are eligible by school and league standards. We also have to take care of our own financing to make sure people are correctly paid for gas money and accommodations while traveling with the team.

    We will respond expeditiously to Rep. Conyers' letter, but to the best of our knowledge we have not been asked by the government to afford such access or provide such information. We have many cable systems and many vendors across the country that we are double-checking this with, but as far as we know, that is not something we've been asked to do by the government.

    When he called my name, I was kind of double-checking to see if it was really me. I wanted to make sure it was me. I didn't want to get up and have it not be me. But when I finally got out there, I was excited to play, and I think that same hunger is what allows you to play aggressive and be successful.

    Just because you don't have debris today doesn't necessarily mean you're not going to have debris coming down from upstream another day. We'll just keep double-checking until the storm hits.

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