Quotes about double-team (15 Quotes)

    He has a great attitude every day in practice. He works hard in the games. He's making plays, he's pushing the pile, he's making people double-team him. He's been keeping people off our linebackers and he's really playing pretty well so far.

    He took over the game with his drives to the basket in the fourth quarter. He puts so much pressure on the defense, doesn't settle for jumpers. When the double-team comes, he finds the open players, making it easier on him in the long run.

    They have three forwards that play very well inside and can really get going and they're big and athletic. They've got some guards like Rivera and Mandy Close that are capable of hurting you from the perimeter. So it wasn't a situation where we were really looking to double-team or anything, but we wanted to play really solidly defensively.

    My teammates did a great job of putting me in different spots on the court where they couldn't double-team me or know where I was going to be. We did a great job of moving on offense and moving all around the court.

    You've got great defense and you don't have to double-team the paint. Your energy can be committed to covering other strengths on the court. They're both top defenders and proven offensive players.

    That was the game plan. We put a lot of bodies around him. Every time he would catch the ball we had a double-team on him to get the ball out of his hands. He's been playing well of late and we definitely didn't want him to put up 30 like he did last week

    Defensively, I thought we had a much better control of Parker and Duncan than we had in the past. I thought up in Denver, we didn't double-team as much. We kind of went to the double-team a lot more. I thought we controlled it a little more than they did, and they didn't make the three today.

    He's the only guy on the team that really commands a double-team. ... That says something about a freshman. Now we have to be able to adapt when that occurs to take advantage of the double-team.

    Tim not scoring, he doesn't care. He had six assists. He was our high assist guy. If people want to double-team him, keep him from scoring, they can do that. Luckily for us, he's unselfish and looks to find other guys on the court and let his teammates play. That's worked out for us.

    We did double-team the pick and roll and that's why they went to the isolation plays. When you have somebody isolating in the middle of the court, where he has so many options around him, it's kind of hard to throw somebody else at him.

    They knew how to handle every double-team, they passed out of it great and then they made open shots. They didn't turn the ball over. Everything our defense is designed to do, they were able to go against that.

    If they want to double-team, that's OK because we've got guys who can score all over the place. Wilcox gave us a great spark off the bench, and that's what we look for him to do every night. We have a lot of confidence in him because of what he does in practice. And when he plays like this, it really helps us out a lot.

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