Quotes about downwind (14 Quotes)

    It definitely played a lot more difficult today. You had holes where you were hitting two to three clubs more on the par-3s or two to three clubs less on the downwind holes and it was really hard to judge the wind because it was real gusty.

    I think the thing that helps is the ocean swells. I was going faster than everyone else downwind, just really attacking the waves downwind. I'm not used to waves like that.

    The wind came up about the seventh hole. Fortunately, I was four-under before that. I had the eighth hole, a long par three, and it was straight downwind. That actually helped on that hole.

    The wind has been blowing differently and the par fives played easy as it was blowing downwind today. You can't win a tournament in the first round so I'll just hope to keep playing well,

    The rule is plainly illegal. It is unwise, ... And it is definitely unhealthy for Americans living downwind of coal-fired power plants, especially mothers and their soon-to-be-born children.

    I had 116 yards and it was slightly downwind. I hit a good shot, maybe just a touch too flat. I thought it would have landed shorter than it did, but it landed pin-high.

    The Highwood plant will produce fewer emissions than most other plants, but they are still emitting pollutants. I wouldn't want to live next door to one of these plants. I wouldn't want to live downwind from one of these plants. I don't care how good they say it is.

    To grind back and birdie those holes into the wind and downwind and cross wind and then you have no wind on 18, to make a 6, it's just so beyond unacceptable, I can't believe it.

    Some people placed themselves at risk by getting too close to the fire, particularly when they were standing downwind in a direct line from where the fire was coming from. They were actually standing in the path of the fire, which is not a terribly bright thing to do.

    I think my day started at 2 a.m. when I heard the wind blowing, along with everybody else. All of my years coming here, I never really felt wind like that at night. So I knew it was going to be a tough day. It's all crosswinds. There are very few holes straight into the wind or downwind.

    That hole should be a little more downwind than it was (Thursday). It turned out more right to left into the wind. It made it difficult to get it down there.

    We've been getting better as we go along. We might be winning if we'd been able to get better starts. We've spent the week battling through the fleet. We've had very good downwind speed, which has enabled us to make up ground.

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