Quotes about drier (14 Quotes)

    You just have to wait until it's a little drier. You can do asphalt in weather this cool, but if you try to do it wet, you end up going back in within a month to redo it.

    If everything had already been done, there would be nothing left for young people to accomplish. There are always going to be people who run faster, jump higher, dive deeper, and come up drier.

    The light that a man receiveth by counsel from another is drier and purer than that which cometh from his own understanding and judgment, which is ever infused and drenched in his affections and customs.

    The NIFC said it expects warmer and drier weather to move into the West during the next few days. The moisture and high humidity have helped tremendously, ... we're cautioning people not to get too complacent.

    It looks favorable as far as planting season goes, at least the beginning of it. Soil levels are normal ... despite dry conditions in the last year. It looks to be a very mild period coming up for the next two weeks, above normal. And it's a little drier than usual, which is generally good for planting.

    I expected today's stage to be drier than yesterday, because of the slightly higher altitude. The important thing was to stay in touch with the leaders without taking any risks and dropping too much time. It was a good day for me.

    This winter will be warmer and drier than usual in the southern half of the U.S., wetter and stormier in the Pacific Northwest and the Great Lakes down into the Ohio River Valley,

    It was tough going. His world was in the grips of the last Ice Age. In Southern Africa it was drier than now, water was difficult to obtain and so were animals,

    We look at snow temperature and also the moisture content of the snow. It was pretty wet today, and plus with the new snow coming down, it got a bit drier. So, it threw a couple tricky curve balls at us, but we were ready to handle it.

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