Quotes about drive-bys (3 Quotes)

    After the Republican Party did everything that Colin Powell says it needs to do to grow, and nominated the very kind of candidate he wanted in 2008, what did Powell do? He endorsed Obama! So according to the Drive-Bys and David Gergen, Republicans should let somebody who campaigned and voted for Obama, tell us how to build our party.

    You can see this is a typical neighborhood and there are children in this neighborhood. How would these people feel if they shot at a sign and missed and the slug went into a nearby house and struck a child Let's leave the drive-bys to the big cities. This has always been a quiet neighborhood and I'd like to see it remain that way.

    I estimate a very conservative number of 25,000 dead homeboys. If 25,000 white people were killed in two decades of urban drive-bys, you could imagine there would be prime time television, there would be counseling, economic packages, truces would be negotiated by diplomats with experience in Northern Ireland or the Balkans.

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