Quotes about dtv (5 Quotes)

    If we come back here next summer and the auction of the advanced wireless services spectrum has taken place, and there's a DTV transition hard date, I'll give them an A-plus.

    Furthermore, bigger cable operators such as Comcast, vertically integrated Time Warner or well-clustered Cablevision, with relatively manageable spectrum constraints, are likely to face relatively minimal DTV or retransmission consent exposure.

    With today's enactment of the budget reconciliation bill and its digital television provisions, we have crossed an important threshold. NAB is pleased that Congress adopted many pro-consumer DTV measures in the legislation, and we're encouraged that the bill thwarted cable industry attempts to degrade the quality of HDTV pictures to consumers.

    The DTV legislation is truly a win-win initiative. Not only will it free up needed spectrum for our nation's first responders, but it will also allow our innovative industry to roll out advanced wireless data services to all Americans. This is a significant public policy victory, as there is little doubt it will make our nation more secure and technologically advanced. I applaud Congress for passing this bill and encourage the President to sign it into law.

    News Corp. ( NWS news , chart , profile ) , led by Chairman Rupert Murdoch, holds a controlling stake in DirecTV ( DTV news , chart , profile ) . Now, there's an interesting structure there, ... He owns 34, but for all intents and purposes he's considered to be in control, and that may instructive in terms of where we're going with our cable.

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