Quotes about ducking (16 Quotes)

    He's a lot farther ahead than I ever anticipated just watching him on TV. He's a polished big-league pitcher. Mike's been through a lot, losing 20 games and not ducking starts. He's pretty far ahead.

    The players never like hearing it, but I told them before the game and at the half, the reason we're where we are is because we have played defense and done an incredible job on the boards. I told them at the half that I didn't understand why we don't have 10 to 12 charges. They were going to the goal out of control, ducking their heads. And I said 'somebody step up,' and they did.

    I used to be crazy about being the best, No. 1. I wanted to be considered No. 1 heavyweight in the world and everybody know it. But now, at this point in my career, how things have been going in my career and not getting certain fights and people ducking me, I just concentrate on who I am boxing and I do not worry about the unification thing. You cannot make somebody fight you. Whatever happens, happens.

    After first ducking the issue on Wednesday, Schwarzenegger surprised lawmakers with his statement. If this is true, ... it would be very disrespectful to the many millions of Californians who support this bill to make a decision without even allowing the proponents to make a case for his signature. This is not just another bill.

    It's unfortunate that this judge was overwhelmed by the truth and that he's ducking the situation by saying that it's out of his jurisdiction. In my eyes, it's clearly not.

    It is precisely because we are determined to build communities . . . that we are not ducking the infrastructure issues and have committed 6bn of taxpayers' money to transport and other infrastructure projects in the Thames Gateway.

    A lot of people would be ducking to go up on that stage with some of the issues that local people are having with their own insurance companies. These folks are willing to come up and basically take a stand, go up on the podium and say, 'We're here to help, and we want to be a part of the recovery.' ... And that to me takes guts and courage and I think it's a good sign.

    But thorough as it may appear on television, is this week's confirmation hearing just another dose of American political theatre Certainly, the potential chief justice hasn't been shy about ducking and dodging, refusing to comment on or pre-judge any issue that could come before the court. For example, in response to Sen. Kennedy's charge that his views on civil rights legislation were narrow and cramped and perhaps even mean spirited, ... I don't want to express any conclusions on hypothetical questions, whether as applied in a particular case, where there would be a challenge ... Those cases come up all the time and I do need to avoid expressing an opinion on those issues.

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