Quotes about dunns (3 Quotes)

    He said Dunn's research shows promise and more government money has been requested. We gave him a little bit of seed money to see if it can work and he did it, ... Because of recent events in London, we have looked at accelerating this.

    The portraits people will see in the show are from a phase of Dunn's career that most of his fans don't know about. He regularly did portraits of his friends, and a lot of figure painting as well. I think he mainly did it for recreation and didn't charge them for the work, or if he did it was very seldom.

    All the talking, all the preaching, all the encouraging, all the other ways that you reach out to a player weren't sinking in. So, we're going to go this route. We're going to start Jimmy Martin. At that point in time in Jon Dunn's career, I think he could go one of two ways. He could've said, 'OK, it's not working out for me. I'll become a second-team practice player.' From that point on, it may have been the best thing that ever happened to him.

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