Quotes about dyke (13 Quotes)

    And then Dick called and said, I'm going to do a special called Dick Van Dyke and the other woman, that would be you, because every time I try to check into a hotel with my wife, they look at me as though I'm cheating on Laura.

    Eastbound local traffic can use the eastbound I-696 service drive and get back on the freeway at the Groesbeck entrance ramp. Westbound local traffic can use the service drive and re-enter westbound I-696 just past Van Dyke.

    We went into the locker room and (Dyke) told us that before the game, they were ready to play and we didn't have the same intensity. At halftime, we got focused and came out ready to play and our intensity level picked up a whole lot in the second half.

    There's always someone asking you to underline one piece of yourself - whether it's Black, woman, mother, dyke, teacher, etc. - because that's the piece that they need to key in to. They want to dismiss everything else.

    Having lost touch with Parks for more than 25 years, Holmes drafted a letter to his old associate and gave it to a mutual friend, singer-songwriter Steve Young, to deliver. I got a phone call from Van Dyke, ... 'Surf's up' he said.

    Those who do not give assistance according to their ability when a village is being plundered, a dyke is being destroyed, or a highway robbery committed, shall be banished with their goods and chattels.

    As a kid I watched television 24 hours a day and loved every minute of it. The two shows that always make me laugh and are therefore my favourites are The Dick Van Dyke Show and Fawlty Towers.

    Reruns are wonderful because it usually indicates that they had something going for them to begin with and that's why you're still looking at them. And in both my shows, The Dick Van Dyke Show and the last one, they were so well written and so good they hold up.

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