Quotes about dysfunction (16 Quotes)

    You could have it sexual dysfunction because of sleep deprivation, stress. Alcohol can cause it. Very often it has to do with a relationship that is psychological.

    The track record of this administration on homeland security, its inadequate funding, its bureaucratic dysfunction at the Department of Homeland Security, as evidenced most tragically in hurricane Katrina but in many other similar instances over the past four and a half years, does not create an atmosphere of confidence.

    It seems wiser to consolidate the policymaking and the funding allocation responsibilities in the same body, ... When you have multiple boards existing in a climate of dysfunction, you lose accountability.

    Having been laying still for so many hours and being poorly hydrated for that period of time has resulted in some kidney dysfunction. We assume that will be a temporary phenomenon while the kidneys recover.

    ENJOY YOUR LIFE TURN OFF THE TV The image of America that comes to us in daily news broadcasts is a grim one, problems (real and faked), heartache, dysfunction and hardship. That is simply the nature of television news crisis after crisis, a drumbeat of constant negativism. Millions upon millions of people in 'real' America are enjoying the good things the nation has to offer have come to feel that their positive experiences are somehow the exception. The vast majority enjoy the best country in the history of the world. As an experiment, try going a month without watching any news. Don't watch the evening news, don't watch local news, don't watch political discussions. You will have a much more positive outlook about yourself and about America.

    I am actually in poor health due to chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, and my ability to work is greatly diminished right now, so I have to get better before I can start another big project.

    I am asking that you take immediate action to ensure that sex offenders do not receive erectile dysfunction medication paid for by the taxpayers. I urge you to take administrative action to remedy the situation or draft an amendment to the underlying statute as appropriate,

    While we do not know for sure, we speculate that Viagra's recent use as a 'drug of abuse' may have caused the FDA to request broader studies in (non-erectile dysfunction) patients,

    Seeing our VH-1 Behind the Music shows just how dysfunctional some of the moments of the band were but this new line-up has put the fun back in dysfunction.

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