Quotes about echelons (8 Quotes)

    Tomorrow, a three-way meeting will be coordinated involving senior echelons of both sides, headed on the Israeli side by Ariel Sharon, for the purpose of bringing about a cease-fire and immediate implementation of the Tenet plan.

    This seriously is one of the loosest teams in the history of baseball. It has to do with the character of the squad and starting 15-30. When you start off in the loser echelons of baseball, you learn how to come together quickly.

    The thinking is that the regular Iraqi army, the ones ... sitting out there in the desert, would fold pretty quickly, ... But as you move up the echelons within the Iraqi military, it becomes more difficult to predict exactly what and where things are going to break.

    It is such an outrageous break with accepted practice that these documents are sacrosanct. This type of information could seriously damage a company's position. The upper echelons of the Revenue will be cock-a-hoop.

    The I-A coordinator jobs, in the last four or five years, primarily in the upper echelons, have escalated greatly (in salary). On the other hand, it's not all about the money. It's about opportunity. I don't think whether the salary is the same as a coordinator or not should deter people from considering it.

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