Quotes about elly (7 Quotes)

    I loved doing Elly May. She was a slice out of my own life. And of course the The Beverly Hillbillies was a story about the American Dream. No matter who tried to slicker us or take advantage of us, we always came out on top. We were never the losers. So the right attitude was important. We set a good examples. The Hillbillies set high standards.

    I would think that other people could see if you had other talents. I grew and expanded from the Elly May role. I was doing real estate and personal appearances and kept my foot in the door.

    This is not about money. This is about the judicial system gone awry. This is about two jurors being pressured, being told they'd be kicked off the jury. Elly Cook is 79 years old and she doesn't give a damn about money right now. She's donating the money to feed the children.

    We said last year the Giants were coming up with position guys who are respectable big-league prospects. These guys are swinging the bat well. Elly is hitting the ball. (Todd) Linden is getting hot. (Steve) Finley looks like he's getting two hits every time he plays. Overall, the hitters are looking pretty good.

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