Quotes about emit (15 Quotes)

    Cancer cells emit different metabolic waste products than normal cells. The differences between these metabolic products are so great that they can be detected by a dog's keen sense of smell, even in the early stages of disease.

    We know the chief sources of the warming -- fossil fuels and, in the tropics, the burning of trees for cooking -- but we haven't moved to stop it, ... It really isn't that difficult to begin reducing carbon emissions, as Europe and Japan are doing already. We could certainly put a cap on the quantity of greenhouse gases industry can emit.

    As that concrete is breaking, it will emit sounds that probably to them sounded very much like muffled gunshots. Then they would have these very large booming sounds as that barge was slamming against the walls. Those residents probably heard what they heard, but they came to the wrong conclusion. We didn't see any signs of explosive action.

    For under certain conditions the chemical atoms emit light waves of a specific length or oscillation frequency - their familiar characteristic spectra - and these can come in the form of electromagnetic waves only from accelerated electric quanta.

    A single facility using the best liquid clear-coats in application equipment available today could emit 200 tons of hydrocarbons a year and create about 100 tons a year of over-spray sludge from clear-coat alone. These waste streams could be virtually eliminated with powder clear-coat.

    So why did Romar start pumping his fist upon hearing Hawes' words ... and then emit an audible sigh of relief Because there's another perspective on Spencer Hawes -- the one seen by the greater college basketball world, to whom Hawes' defining biographic data is not the three generations of Huskies in his bloodlines. They care that he is a 6-foot-11 12 center with an offensive skill set so polished his AAU coach, former Utah assistant Jim Marsh , compares him to former Utes recruits Tom Chambers and Kevin McHale , because Hawes has more ways to score than you can imagine. ... didn't really matter as much to me as everyone may have perceived.

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